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Here Are Five Tips For Printing 3d To Save Time

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3D printing has been proven to be an efficient alternative to traditional manufacturing processes. It is possible to take advantage of the possibilities of this technology by following a few easy steps. Make your mark quickly by following these five 3D printing tips to reduce the time spent ordering parts.

Export your CAD files to STL

In order for a 3D printer to construct an object it needs the CAD file to be exported into a STL file. An STL file is composed of triangles that form the surface of the part which causes faceting of the 3d modeling software. Depending on the parameters established on the file, the appearance of the 3D model can differ. The faceting of STL files is affected by chord height, deviation and tolerance, in addition to the number of polys. This is an essential step to ensure that your export files are created with these parameters in mind.

There are a number of methods to optimize and prepare your CAD data to guarantee your files are in good condition for processing and production. You can alter complex geometry information like wall thicknesses or minor changes to the size of files and features in order to create an STL file that is clean and ready for processing.

Find out more about how to prepare STL files by watching our tutorial.

Check out the design Guidelines

One of the most common misconceptions regarding 3D printing is that it is the same or similar with different technologies and machines. But, 3d printed products, involves several technologies, each with its own design considerations. Stratasys Direct Manufacturing offers an array of 3D printing solutions, including PolyJet (SL), Laser Sintering(LS), Fused Deposition Modelings (FDM) and Direct Metal Laser Sinteringsinteringsinteringsinteringsintering (DMLS).

It is possible to make your production more efficient by gaining an understanding of the particular demands and limitations of a particular technology. Also, think about how you can adapt your file or design to meet those needs.

Laser Sintering, on the other hand, does not need support for overhangs in 3D models. Other factors that may alter from one technology to the next include resolution, build orientation the wall thickness, as well as the dimensions of the part.

Pick3dprinter provides specific design guidelines as well as other useful information on design issues:

Laser Sintering

Direct Metal Laser Sintering

Fused Deposition Modelling


PolyJet Multi-Color

Know Your Post-Processing Options

What do you notice when you take a look at your piece? Is the piece smooth? Can it be made into multiple parts and have them put together? Is the prototype component required to be cosmetically finished or can it keep its natural finish? What impact will 3d printer layers have on the final part's use?

Our finishing department provides an array of options to create stunning functional and aesthetic finishes. Functional finishes include media blasting and tumbling and bonding and sealing and sanding. Cosmetic finishes include dying, painting clear coatings, dying and electroplating.

Sometimes, cosmetics that you are looking for can be produced more quickly and cheaper by using an alternative to the standard. To save time and money, you can dye the part instead of painting it.

When you understand the various options available and the time involved in achieving the desired finish it is possible to significantly improve the speed of post-build and get your product out to market quicker.

Consider your material requirements

While it's easy to pick the best material for your project but it may be difficult to decide quickly. We've broken down each of our materials in easy to read tables on our website with detailed data sheets for each material we offer.

For instance, you could be thinking about a thermoplastic that is suitable for production and require the material to be able to withstand temperatures up to 100 degrees as well as be sterilized for medical applications. Start by looking up the technology on the material's webpage before deciding on the 3D printing method you're utilizing. This page categorizes every available material, with its description as well as the relevant data. Each material's detailed datasheet is also linked under the respective offering.

If you're unsure which type of technology is suitable for your application You can begin by logging into our quoting portal with our Material Wizard. By clicking the Material Wizard tab to the right of the screen it will allow you to sort the materials by various key features such as thermal or mechanical requirements. If you click the three processes on the top of the choices it will show which materials are available with each technology. You can then click through results to see more information on each material.

Talk to an expert

The experts at Pick3dprinter can help you speed up 3D printing, even if your are not familiar with the technology. We have more than 30 years of experience in the industry and are experts in 3D printing techniques to help you bring your product to life.

Speak to one of our Project Engineers for help in selecting the most suitable method for your project. You can also do your own research by visiting our website. General and nuanced information about the field of 3D printing is available in our whitepapers, case studies, blog posts, infographics as well as other publications.

Our Professional Services provide in-person evaluations of your business and make recommendations. Professional Services looks at your whole operation and identifies the best ways to incorporate 3D printing, and gives you all the resources necessary to do so. Professional Services begins with expert on-site assistance. After watching your operation and speaking with your employees from the manufacturing floor to executives They create a thorough operation analysis.

Don't allow the complexity of this new industry slow down your project objectives. By following these five simple tips, you'll be well on your way to rapid, quality 3D printed parts.